Leah, I worked for 25 years in domestic violence services. For as strong as many of the victims were, and for as much as they’d be determined not to let their abuser or stalker “win” by getting the better of them, they still had to act with bravery just to live their everyday lives when these fucks would not leave them alone. It’s terrorism, plain and simple. It’s completely understandable that it impacts you harder some days than others. I want you to know that I read your book years ago and the fact that this causes you depression and feelings of defeat sometimes will never, ever diminish my respect for you or for your incredible acts of courage. Take good care of yourself - whatever that has to look like. The world needs you 🧡

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Agreed. Leah, you are in trauma recovery, and your feelings are understandable. I have a similar desire to hole up at home, and what I recently realized watching my 2 amazing young granddaughters who are fearless in everything they do, breaking of the cycle benefits us in different ways. Your baby girl is spared more than you, by you. Her children will never know Scientology. The days I’m stuck, I FaceTime my girls or watch videos of them doing brave shit. Look at the brave shit give already done, you are brave as fuck, you have to be exhausted.

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Julie, thank you for reminding me that breaking the cycle Is Huge and the benefits follow not just us, but our children and their children, etc. I needed that today!

Leah, You Are Not Alone in this fight! As a 55yF who broke the cult cycle And has come through peri-meno to the other side of heaven, Girl, You Can Do This! It's miserable as hell sometimes, yet we are still here and moving on through life. It may not be at the pace we'd like, but movement means you're not stagnant. Even if it feels like you're only circling the drain, reach out, our hands are here to pull you up. We love you! ❤️

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Yes, I agree. Maybe it will help you to know how much you are doing for survivors of so many things as well as those from Scientology

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You are seen, you are heard, you are brave & I for one love you and wish you peace🌹

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Hang in there Leah! You will get thru the body changes! It will be OK.

One day soon the Scientology nightmare will be in your rear view mirror. I have had a similar battle for 13 years with Scientology. It will come to an end at some point.

Focus on the positive and simple things in your life. I know it sounds sophomoric but it really helps your mental health. Also, meet up with real friends that have escaped Scientology and talk to them about all of it, until you don’t have anything else to say. This helped me the most.

Take care and thanks for all that you have done. The fight is real…

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You are such a brave lady. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️

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Thank you for sharing. You are a hero to many of us. Do not forget that. What you endured was not in vain and you’ve helped a lot of people. Keep going and keep enjoying the small things. HUGS

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Oh, Leah. I can relate to so much of this. Thank you for your heart-filled honesty. For describing what you're experiencing, for the raw courage you show even if you're not always feeling that courageous. I'm so sorry that you and your family have been put through hell. I pray every day that this damned cult will implode. Spectacularly implode, with Miscavige behind bars and his minions scattered to prisons around the world. A woman can dream.

I have family in there, and everything that you've done has helped people like me. I wish I could do something for you, in return. ❤️ All I've got. Love and prayers. ❤️🙏

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I have learned so much from you and Mike Rinder - I have listened to/watched your podcasts about this crazy business . I celebrate you, Leah!

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You have a friend in me and so many others who think you’re brave, selfless and courageous. If only we all had the strength of conviction that you have, Leah. X

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Oh Leah, you have never been more real or more relatable to me than you are right now. Thank you so much for being so raw with us. Since leaving the cult of Church of God Restoration, I too deal with a lot of these same things.. Thank you for sharing your reality with us and making me feel a little closer to normal. Praying for you.

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Leah, I am so sorry that you have been feeling depressed and nervous. It happens to the best of us sometimes. I was so proud of you for first of all, leaving Scientology, and blowing the whistle on those scammers. They are evil! Not a church at all it seems. I hope you will be able to leave your house someday and not feel like you have to look over your shoulder. I will pray for you. Keep up the great work!! Much Love

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Keep stepping out of your comfort zone, one foot in front of the other. Come on up to Ventura county and go birding with me. I mean it, an easy walk in nature is always good for the soul. Thanks for all you do!

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You are right about the benefits of walking in nature. There are several scientific studies that address the physical and psychological benefits of doing so.

And thanks, again, for your support!

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i've been physically and sexually assaulted and harassed at my workplace. recent event triggered a huge setback for me and i was suspended for being rude and dismissive towards a lower manager who has been nothing but passive aggressive to me and she and another cornered me and it felt so suffocating and embarassing. Reading this has really helped me resolve not to worry about those i cannot control, but i can control the grace i give myself. good words: give yourself the kindness you would give your friends.

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You’re a beautiful blessing to so many. I think your courage is beyond amazing. We don’t know each other but I carry you in my heart! ❤️

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Thank you. 🫶 your honesty as always is refreshing. I think everything you feel is extremely fair… . I’m sorry you aren’t feeling good in your own skin, cause maybe that’s the goal, but you will pass through with the amazing resistance you have. And maybe a lot of humor?! I find your honesty as always refreshing because it’s not easy, not lately, maybe never, but I hope we can remember that things change, they always do, eventually… and this will be a whole new journey.. and you are aloud to feel, complain, whatever as much as you need to. You have 💯 earned it. I suspect you’ll find your way with this change… as women I wish we could talk more about these things too but I feel they are often weaponized against us. Keep your head up. Sending love 🫶 and healing. 💗

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I admire your strength and courage.

Sending positive energy and prayers

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Thanks for sharing Leah. You are speaking for a lot of us women who feel the same way. Hugs from the flyover state of MO. Hang in there, persevere till the end ❤️. I will add you to my rosary intentions in the morning!

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