Excellent synopsis of yesterday’s, disruptions and shenanigans by enablers of rape. Thanks for your bravery, Leah and all involved with speaking TRUTH!!

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Thank you for the transparency you provided by exposing these plants of Scientology. Also thank you for standing up to power! May truth and justice prevail! 🙏

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I believe that JUSTICE is coming... Thank you for these details, Leah. So much love to you and continued strength.

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I'm still amazed how this cult is still being called a religion.

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Thank you for showing up and continuing to fight against these sick people. We support you and appreciate you - and of course the survivors.

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Thank you Leah for sharing this with us. My question/comment: As mentionned, everything in Scientology is about infiltration. Is there a possibility Scientology can infiltrate the jury? This is one of my concerns.

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They probably have jurors who are Scientologists. But they can't be discriminated against, i.e. "excused" solely on the basis of their "religion."

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That’s a terrifying thought but the way jury duty summons work, I doubt that is even possible thankfully.

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They kind of infiltrated in the first trial, so why not this second? They most probably have the names and adresses and just about eveything on ALL of the jurors already. Guess they will use it in some way---hope I´m wrong...

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Devious lot. They fear Leah obviously.

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Continue to be a support system for these women and hold your gaze when needed.

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Absolutely shocking! Cannot understand how they get away with all of this! I think you are very brave for standing up to them!!! Don't let them intimidate you! Keep fighting and telling the truth! We got your back!

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It’s absolutely disgusting and their antics are so blatantly obvious to anyone who cares to pay attention. I often read the comment section on your Twitter and it’s obvious who’s apart of the cult and who isn’t. Yikes!!! Thank you for being there Leah ❤️

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I admire that you have been posting about this trial!!! These ladies need their voices HEARD, and Danny MUST PAY for what he did to those women. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date, and speaking up TRUTHFULLY against this cult! 👏🏼

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Thank you Leah for insisting on the truth and exposing this evil for what it is. My hope is that one day truth will win and this organization will be held accountable for the years of separating families, breaking child labor laws, for stealing from innocent hard working people, manipulating and torturing its members, and the list goes on and on.

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As we say in the South, give a person enough rope and they will eventually hang themselves. Scientology, Jehovah's Witnesses, the LDS, they will all come crashing down one of these days.

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They are a terrible organization. I support Leah 100% for standing up to the truth.

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I completely agree with Leah and hope they can shut down this cult.

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You are doing such an amazing job in exposing this ridiculous pantomime that is scientology. Their attacks on you proves you are doing the right thing.

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Thank you Leah for keeping it real!

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