Thank you so much Leah. I so Appreciate You.💛

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Leah, thanks for sharing this.

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I think it's time to say this out loud, what everyone is thinking but is hesitant to say:

She's dead and has been for a while.

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❤️💛 Thank you

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Great news! I’m on here too! Check me out at tigerlilysthumb.com. Substack. Love you !

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Sorry, I didn’t finish. My prayers for You and Shelly. You have lived thru so much Leah and you are absolutely adorable, funny, and smart. I feel for you knowing your childhood friend, Shelly, was taken down from a strong female to being no one as David Miscaviage wants. You are a True Friend! ❤️🙏🌹

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Thanks for keeping us

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Leah, thanks so much for keeping us updated on ALL things about this awful cult. You are truly an angel. Reading all of this makes me so furious that they can get away with everything. Keep up your good works!

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If I get frustrated reading this, it must be killer for you, Leah. There is not enough blood pressure medication around.

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