Wow. How impactful to read them for myself. Thank you Leah.

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This was so heavy. As a survivor myself, it was hard to read these statements. I’m so proud of these women for standing up for themselves.

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Everyone should read these impact statements to help understand the lasting, traumatic effects of SA. I hope someone sends these to everyone who wrote a character letter in support of that monster. You are all brave wonderful women ❤️

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Thank you for sharing these victim statements. May the victims find peace and learn to forgive, for their own healings.

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Out of all the gruesome, forever life altering, obliterating things these women have experienced and will continue to experience for the rest of their lives, all you have to say is "learn to forgive?" To forgive: to stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone). The PTSD, the pain, the nightmares, the suffocation, is NOT a choice. It does not come from them being angry or resentful towards the man that raped them, nor is forgiveness any sort of antidote for the suffering that comes from being raped. The eternal aftermath of being raped is NOT a choice. It does not stop just because the survivor no longer has feelings of anger or resentment towards the rapist because life isn't a Hallmark movie. Survivors deserve more than a cliché in response to sharing the life altering pain that comes with being raped.

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Yes, I said "forgive." In no way, shape or form am I minimizing or diminishing their trauma, so your assumptions are false and your Strawmans are also false and ridiculous. As a follower of Jesus, yes, we are to pray for our enemies and forgive those who hurt us.

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How about we put a pin in the forgiveness part until Mr. Rapist asks for it & repents….y’know, like Jesus.

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Jesus loves us even when we do wrong, even when He knows we're going to do wrong. His love isn't conditional on OUR "ask[ing] for it [forgiveness] & repent[ing]." He blesses both the Athiest and the devil worshipper. Neither acknowledges their needs for forgiveness nor asks for it. We forgive others NOT when they acknowledge their need for it, nor when they ask for it. We forgive others because when we are reborn in Jesus, we love our enemies IN SPITE OF their wreckedness, just like the Savior does. Jesus prayed FOR those who were crucifying Him WHILE He was dying. Those who were mocking Him, those who were spectators at His death, those who participated in His death. With His dying breaths, Jesus said,"Forgive them."

We don't have to wait "...until Mr. Rapist asks for it & repents." That day may never come. God showers His blessings on the just AND on the unjust. If we are reborn in Jesus, we do the same.

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All of this sounds lovely & gives you the “feel goods”. But if you refer to your Bible, there is no salvation, according to Scripture, without admission of sin & repentance. Are we more holy than God? Can we apply forgiveness where He would not? Your type of thinking re-traumatized me for 40 years after CSA & kept me in close relationship with my wicked, sexually abusive & violent parents. Until I realized by Christian teaching God has not forgiven them bc they have not asked. Let’s stop using wrong interpretations & fake piety to load more responsibility onto victims in addition to their trauma. Did you read the hell they still go through? And you’re going to add the requirement to forgive to that? Really? That is not compassion. That is not kindness. And, please, no more long Evangelical interpretations of how God works, it’s wrong & ends up benefitting abusers.

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All of your ad-hominems and Strawman Arguments are noted and rejected. Simply move on.

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Here are survivors telling you that your words are indeed minimizing and diminishing their trauma. So what does that mean for you, Sherry?

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Your gaslighting is noted and rejected. I clearly stated my position. I'm not continuing this dialogue. Simply move on.

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Why did Christ die on the cross? He was paying the penalty for our sins which was a requirement of God’s justice. In Gods mercy we can receive forgiveness from the penalty of our sin through Christ, but we must ask for it. We must admit our sins and ask for forgiveness. We are not automatically forgiven of our sins. We are instructed to forgive our brother even multiple times WHEN HE ASKS. This arrogant Scientology protected elitist monster in my opinion will never take responsibility for his actions, and therefore does not deserve forgiveness.

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I never claimed, suggested, stated, or inferred sinners are "automatically forgiven of our sins." I am not at all condoning the criminal acts. The point is we are ALL sinners. The point is God showers His mercy and grace on the sinner, the believer, and the unbeliever, no matter what they have done. Some will NEVER admit their guilt until they are standing before Jesus. Forgiveness is so the victim can heal. There is no condition of forgiveness. Jesus did NOT teach that either we (or perpetrators) must ASK for our brother's forgiveness. See Matthew 18:21-22.

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It truly is a life sentence and forgiving them for your own piece doesn’t remove the life long trauma.

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I never stated, claimed, inferred or suggested "...forgiving them for your own piece [sic] doesn't remove the life long trauma." Of course forgiveness doesn't undo what's been done; that's not the purpose of forgiveness. Is this kind of thing horrible? Absolutely. Is this kind of trauma life-altering? Absolutely.

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That is a powerful, brilliant response to wording that jarred me, too. To my own detriment, it jarred me into silence & inaction (as a fellow survivor, that's been my most familiar go-to response to things that trouble me throughout this life of mine).

Thank you for having the presence of mind & character to speak up & shine a light on thoughtless words. I'm better at speaking up than I used to be, but I still have a long way to go to get to where I hope to be. Another work in progress... 😊 Thank you for being a good example to emulate! 🖤

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Just to clarify, my first reply was spoken to Hope in reference to the "learn to forgive" comment.

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Thank you Amy. You are powerful.

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God bless those ladies. Bravery is doing something even though you are scared. I couldn’t think of a better example of bravery. What I am hoping…praying for…is that what these women went through, and their brave acts of taking on Masterson and Scientology, will be the crack that breaks up the Scientology dam and will free all the unfortunate brain washed people as prevent anymore assaults that will be ignored by Scientology and the LAPD. Keeping my fingers crossed that the crumbling has begun and the total collapse happens soon.

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These beautiful, brave women! My heart breaks for all you endured at the hands of this person. Each of you, however, have taken back your power and for that, I am in awe of you all. May you find the peace and grace in that victory! 🙌🏻♥️

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I read every word bc victims deserve to be heard. Seeing others get justice when I was denied mine gives me hope & a little satisfaction. Thank you for posting!

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Thank you. This tells the true nature of scientology and it's adherents. Hubbard designed it this way.

Thank you for giving these women the help and support they needed.

Scientology will shatter and vanish. It will soon be a footnote in history.

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Oh wow. Such deeply impactful and Powerful statements. Thank you to the brave women who stood up to this predator. Their words helped me to understand my partner, also a rape survivor, a little better. I hope they can all find some peace and healing moving forward.

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horrific. and horrific organization.

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Thank you for posting this Leah! Keep fighting to find Miscavige’s wife. That has always haunted me after watching some of the episodes of your documentary. I even reached out to Dateline to investigate what happened to Shelly Miscaviage.

Something about here disappearance is not right just like the way Scientology treated these rape victims. They were basically dismissed by their religion and Church. That is not a religion . That is not a Church. It is a scary cult.

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Wow that was essential reading that’s showing up nowhere in any news article. My heart aches for them, hope it’s a step towards a better life for them.

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To read these… what they and any other person in Scientology had/has to endure I cannot imagine. These women and you are some of the strongest women we will ever know. I pray that this justice will finally give them some peace and enable them to finally start to heal…

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Thank you so much Leah, for sharing these powerful statements. You have really made an impact and you’re amazing for being there to support those women. Much love and respect ♥️

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Keep being a Troublemaker!!

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I hope these strong women feel a sense of justice and community. Goodbye danny.

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