David Miscavige Knew Danny Masterson Was Raping Women
The mother of one of the women who Danny Masterson raped sent a letter to David Miscavige seeking justice for her daughter. Instead of protecting her, Miscavige tried to destroy her.
We are on day two of jury deliberations in the rape case of celebrity Scientologist Danny Masterson.
I wanted to share an important document proving Scientology's criminal leader David Miscavige knew that Danny Masterson was raping women. Instead of protecting the brave survivors of Danny's predation, he enveloped Danny in his protection and tried to destroy the lives of the women who dared to speak up.
Below is a letter that Jane Doe #1's mom wrote and sent to David Miscavige on March 11, 2004. She wrote this letter after repeatedly trying to get the attention of senior Scientology executives to let them know that Danny Masterson had raped her daughter and that Danny Masterson's crew of Scientologists were aiding in a coverup.
The only redactions to this letter are those made to protect survivors of sexual violence and minor children.
Like many totalitarian systems, Scientology has its own nomenclature, so I have provided a glossary at the end of this document.
David Miscavige knows everything that happens within Scientology and with Scientologists' personal lives because he has entire teams of Sea Org members (Scientology's paramilitary workforce) dedicated to gathering reports and briefing him daily.
Jane Doe #1's mom and dad were major donors to Scientology, they gave millions, so this letter was prioritized and sent to Miscavige immediately.
So did Jane Doe #1's mom testify in the trial? No. After she contacted Scientology's intelligence agency, the Office of Special Affairs, to seek guidance on how she should handle law enforcement with respect to the Masterson investigation, Scientology attorney Vicki Podboresky told her she wasn't required to cooperate if she didn't want to. Fearing exile from Scientology, Jane Doe #1's mom has declined to be cooperative in the rape trial of her daughter. Instead of protecting her daughter, she is siding with the totalitarian cult she’s a member of. As a result, Jane Doe #1’s mom is obstructing justice. If Danny Masterson is acquitted, Jane Doe #1's mom (whom I will write about later) and the others who did not come forward will have themselves to thank for allowing this serial rapist to go free.
David Miscavige is complicit in the coverup of many crimes, including crimes of sexual violence. The Danny Masterson rape case is just one of many examples.
Here is the letter Jane Doe #1’s mom sent to David Miscavige, and below it, you’ll find the glossary.

Glossary of Scientology Terms
2D: is the "Second Dynamic." Scientology's second dynamic refers to family, children, personal relationships, and sex. It can be used in various ways, including: "She was my 2D," which means she was my girlfriend/ wife. "Out-2D" means cheating on your partner or committing "deviant" sexual acts. For example, molesting a child is referred to as "Out-2D."
2D Flows: Someone flowing energy towards another that signifies that they are interested in a relationship or has sexual intentions towards them.
How Scientologists use it:
"He gave me 2D flows when I looked at him from across the room."
3P'd-3P: is also defined as someone talking about another Scientologist to other Scientologists to make them have a bad opinion of the person. "You are 3P'ing him, I know he raped you, but he will handle his need to do that once he gets more Scientology."
8C'd-: (Routine 8-Control) means physically controlling someone's body for them or moving something forward with force and intention. To get something done.
How Scientologists use: "Just 8-C her out the room."
"Can we just 8-C these immigration papers through?"
"I 8-C'd her upstairs."
Ack: An Acknowledgement.
AO: Advanced Organizations. A Scientology church that delivers the "Advanced" materials of Scientology.
Black PR, BPR: Black Propaganda. To Scientology, it is anything being said about them that is truthful. Or this case, it is that Scientology's ethics personnel had gathered all involved and told them that Jane Doe #1 was lying to protect themselves and Danny from any further leaking of this rape. So, they talked badly about the victim and NOT Danny.
It can be used as a noun or verb.
How Scientology uses it: "We are being Black PR'd by the media attackers."
Case Gain: Having success in Scientology per Scientology's standards. If someone isn't making "Case Gain," Scientologists believe it is the person's fault. They believe something wasn't done "standardly" because Scientology Technology is considered infallible. It could also mean that the person is psychotic. So despite spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, if a Preclear isn't making case gain, it's the person who might be a Suppressive Person and "the problem."
CC: Celebrity Center. Celebrities' centers were created to lure in hopeful celebrities, celebrities, their entourage, and what L. Ron Hubbard describes as Opinions Leaders.
CC INT: This is Celebrity Center International. It is in Hollywood, California. It was a historic building that Scientology purchased in the 1970s.
Chaplain: A Chaplain in Scientology is an official in charge of handing out Scientology punishments to civilian Scientologists. Per L. Ron Hubbard, "He is also the complaints department.”
The Chaplain is part of the Ethics Department (Scientology Secret Police).
Chief MAA: The Scientology secret police are called Master At Arms or Ethics Officers. They dole out Scientology punishments to civilian Scientologists.
CO: Commanding Officer
Comm Ev: Committee of Evidence. A Comm-ev is Scientology's court-martial. If a Scientologist is comm-ev'd, they have already been found guilty of Scientology's crimes. Here, they have to prove their innocence instead of the committee having to prove their guilt.
Cycle: from the beginning of an action to the end.
Noun: to reference someone or something that is in trouble or a situation of who is in trouble for Scientology
How Scientologists use it: (someone reports a crime to law enforcement)
"This is a fucking cycle now."
"Handle this cycle."
"Julian has now become an ethics cycle" (implying this person is now in trouble with Scientology's Secret Police)
Cycle of Action: the sequence of an action from beginning to end.
How Scientologists use it: "Finish your cycle of action." 'That guy never completes a cycle of action."
Enturbulative: Upsetting
Intensive: Scientology auditing, which is purchased in blocks of time. An intensive is one block of auditing consisting of 12 ½ hours. $3,500.00 for an intensive, and in an advance organization, the cost is $5,600.00
Justifier: an excuse for having done something bad.
KR: Knowledge Report. Another required Scientology report that members are required to write on each other.
LMP: Lisa Marie Presley
Non-Enturb Order: Non-Enturbulation order. (enturbulation means upsetting information) A serious Scientology order. A Scientology Gag order mandates the person never speak about an issue either to Scientologists or outside Scientology. For example, if they claim they were raped, they are NOT allowed to discuss this rape with anyone, including their family members and closest friends. They are only allowed to discuss it with their Ethics Officer or MAA. All Scientologists involved are told that if the victim says anything about the incident, they are to report that person to the Scientology secret police. If they continue to talk about it, they will immediately be declared suppressive, which means they will lose everything they have ever known, including their family.
Office of Special Affairs (OSA): Scientology's global intelligence agency. OSA operatives' sole mission is to destroy and discredit anyone who exposes Scientology. Formerly known as The Guardian’s Office, The GO, or GO.
Overts: an overt is a harmful act of omission or commission which usually means, in this context, committing a Scientology crime like "Publicly departing Scientology."
An Overt act, "High Crime" in Scientology, is reporting a Scientologist to law enforcement. Cooperating with Law Enforcement is an overt.
PTS/SP Course: Potential Trouble Source/ Suppressive Person course. This course is a mandatory course on how to spot those evil people who expose Scientology. This course teaches Scientologists how to disconnect from and destroy anyone who speaks out against Scientology. This course is how Scientology starts separating families and friendships and ends business relationships. It is a tool in Scientology to keep people who question Scientology away from Scientologists.
Sec check: A security Check. A Scientology interrogation conducted on Scientology's "lie detector," which is called the e-meter. All Scientologists must do Sec-Checks. No one is spared from a Sec-Check, including children and rape victims. Sec-checks are conducted in a locked room, and like all Scientology processes, one can only leave the room with permission. Scientologists are often forced to admit to things they didn't do, which are then used against them should they decide to leave the organization. However, Scientologists have often admitted to heinous crimes they did indeed commit. These admissions are kept in their folders and dealt with internally in Scientology. These crimes are not reported to civil authorities.
Sherman Tank: Part of L. Ron's Hubbard theory on how to get to the bottom of things. One has to pull the string from a nugget of something, and if you keep pulling (interrogating, hounding the person for an answer), they will get the "Sherman Tank" of information they are looking for.
Squirrel (squirrelly): Not applying L. Ron Hubbard's "standard technology," meaning L. Ron Hubbard's "perfect" technology is not being applied precisely. A squirrel is someone who makes use of Hubbard's "technology" outside of the official church of Scientology, which is a Scientology High Crime.
Standard Tech, Source, L. Ron Hubbard policy: L. Ron Hubbard has written every course, every auditing action, and everything from how to run the organization to policies on how to clean windows. Standard Tech is referring to "His technology" being followed precisely.
Suppressive: Anyone who opposes Scientology and anyone who violates the laws of Scientology.
Theta Comm: Theta (good, happy, not upsetting. Comm: Communication). Used by Scientologists to express that something is good.
"I had a theta talk with her today. I talked her into doing a campaign against her daughter- she is going to destroy her daughter's credibility because her daughter is attacking Scientology."
"That movie was so theta."
Third-party law: A third party must be present and unknown in every quarrel for a conflict to exist. Or, for a quarrel to occur, an unknown third party must be active in producing it between two potential opponents.
TTSB: Things That Shouldn't Be Report. One of the various internal reports that Scientologists must write on each other and send to the Scientology Secret Police. These reports are filed in the person's Scientology folders indefinitely.
This cult needs to be taken down and Miscavage locked up and the key thrown away
Of course 4’ 13” knew. Just like he knew his own father might be having a heart attack in real time and he told the PI’s to stand down. He’s the same heartless bastard who tore my daughter from her entire family since 2014. None of this surprises me, yet it makes me sick to my stomach.
I’d love to see obstruction of justice charges brought against anyone who knew and kept quiet, hid info, altered info, or prevented the JD’s from seeking justice. It’s criminal, beyond just Danny.